&Tradition BLOWN SW4 taklampa silver
Blown SW4 är en taklampa i munblåst, klart glas med silverlyster och quiltat mönster.
Design Samuel Wilkinson.
Diameter 23 cm x höjd 23 cm
Ljuskälla: E14 Max 60W eller 5-7W LED
4 m svart textilkabel
"The pendant was conceived as an exploration of the reflections, distortions, and refractions of a light source when surrounded by patterned glass. Wilkinson looked into a wide range of inspirations when developing Blown: antique ceramics, old glass pieces, lenses from very old lamps, lighthouses, even a mirrored bottle, just to see the way the light comes off it. He sought inspiration in seeds and berries - particularly raspberries - for the quilted texture of the glass. Blown makes a statement as a standalone item, but works equally as well in clusters or in succession. The translucent glass transforms the space it inhabits with the intricate textures and patterning."
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