Artwood JUNO sarjapöytä 3 kpl, vintage brass
Sivupöytä 3-set. Kansi messingillä pinnoitettua alumiinia, väri Vintage Brass. Runko mustaksi maalattua rautaa.
Jokainen pöytä on uniikki.
Ø 60 cm, korkeus 52 cm
Ø 49 cm, korkeus 47 cm
Ø 38 cm, korkeus 40 cm
Kysyttävä? Tavoitat meidät yhteyslomakkeella, puhelimitse: 06-781 1222 tai WhatsApp
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Turvallisesti suomalaisesta yrityksestä!
Artwood aluminum products are made by hand and are made completely from recycled materials. They are electroplated with real brass and copper and then treated with salts to bring out the special look. Then a very thin layer of varnish is applied on top of the metal.
- The surface is sensitive to spillage of liquids, and these should be wiped up immediately so as not to damage the surface layer.
- Avoid contact with hot surfaces and use coasters for mugs, glasses, vases etc.
- Only clean with a damp cloth and do not use strong detergents.
- The table tops in black are powder coated and more durable than the electroplated ones.
- Recommended for indoor use.