Tuotteet Sohvat ja nojatuolit Nojatuolit &Tradition LITTLE PETRA nojatuoli + rahi, lampaantalja moonlight


&Tradition LITTLE PETRA nojatuoli + rahi, lampaantalja moonlight

Tuotekoodi: 134432A235A042A745

Little Petra nojatuoli + rahi pähkinäpuujaloilla ja luonnonvalkoisella lampaantaljalla.

Design Viggo Boesen.


Korkeus 75 cm x Leveys 79 cm x Syvyys 83 cm

Istuinkorkeus 40 cm, istuinsyvyys 55 cm

Verhoilukangas: Lampaantalja 17 mm Moonlight


Rahin mitat: 53 x 53 cm, korkeus 38 cm


"Initially introduced back in 1938, Little Petra won instant praise at the Copenhagen Cabinetmakers Guild Exhibition. It’s one of just a few designs by architect Viggo Boesen, who became associated with Denmark’s signature design aesthetic in the 1930s called funkis style. Distinguished by a softer, more abundant, organic aesthetic that challenged the minimalistic approach of Bauhaus. Little Petra is surprisingly petite, able to fit into all kinds of spaces, interiors and environments. Low to the ground, open and embracing, it embodies the essence of a lounge chair, allowing for all kinds of seating positions in any cosy setting imaginable."

Tilaustuote, toimitusaika 3-5 viikkoa.
6266,00 €

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