Umage A CONVERSATION PIECE nojatuoli, oak/sterling
Designed in Denmark by Anders Klem.
A Conversation Piece nojatuoli kutsuu rentoon ja avoimeen oleskeluun.
Tuolissa on päivitetty verhoilu 100% kierrätettyyn Horizons-kankaaseen. Samalla tuolissa aiemmin esiintynyt tikkauskuvio poistui. Verhoilu on vaihdettava joten voit halutessasi uusia pelkästään kangaspäällystetyn istuinosan ja selkänojan.
Mitat: Korkeus 83 cm, leveys 70 cm, syvyys 83 cm. Istuinkorkeus 42 cm.
Materiaali: Massiivitammi, tammivaneri, MDF, kangas
Kangas: Horizons, 100% kierrätetty polyesteri
Rungon väri: Tammi
Kankaan väri: Vaaleanharmaa (Sterling)
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Turvallisesti suomalaisesta yrityksestä!
One Tree Planted - every time one of UMAGE's designs made from wood is sold, a tree is planted to help global reforestation.
In efforts to walk towards a more sustainable future, UMAGE is exchanging all existing textiles for a new 100% recycled and certified textile. The Horizons fabrics are recycled from plastic waste and certified with Global Recycled Standard and Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX. Additionally, the certifications ensure that no substances harmful to health or the environment are being used and that the identity of the recycled material is maintained: From the recycler to the final product.
Inspired by Nordic nature, Horizons is available in four colours; sugar brown, white sands, sterling and shadow – designed to create a feeling of tranquillity in your home.