&Tradition UTZON JU1 riippuvalaisin, messinki
Riippuvalaisin kiillotettua messinkiä, design Jørn Utzon 1947.
Halkaisija 22 cm x korkeus 23 cm
Valonlähde 1 x E27 max 60W (ei sisälly pakkaukseen)
3 m musta tekstiilijohto
"To Jørn Utzon, his father’s naval engineering drawings became a lifelong fascination with ships and boats, along with light. More than a decade before Jørn Utzon created his masterpiece, the Sydney Opera House, he put his childhood fascination into this pendant, combining successfully the smoothness of the lines of a ship with the source of light for the first time. This lamp reminds one of the waves and the northern light."
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