Tuotteet Matot ja tekstiilit Muuto VARJO matto, tummanharmaa


Muuto VARJO matto, tummanharmaa

Design Tina Ratzer


Kuten nimikin kertoo, Varjo-matto luo kudotulla rakenteellaan varjon ja valon tunteen. Ainutlaatuinen kuvio ja hienovarainen värisävy. Matto on käsin kudottu 100% uusiseelantilaisesta villasta, joka on värjätty.


Materiaali: 100% New Zealand Wool
Väri: Tummanharmaa

Lue lisää
620,00 €
Tarjous voimassa 23.02. asti

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“The idea was to create a geometric rug with multiple layers and dimensions. I wanted to give the first layer an easy understandable language and balanced color scheme. When you go one layer deeper a dynamic herringbone pattern arises and brings a new dimension and a surprising twist to the rug. Varjo is Finnish for shadow, which translates to the shadow effects that are created between the layers, as the darkest color block almost rises above the others, creating a three-dimensional expression.”
  — Tina Ratzer

Tekniset tiedot

Materiaali: 100% New Zealand Wool
Koko: 200x300 cm, 170x240 cm